7371-K060 Interactive Status Light with IP Camera (Standard Flag)

This publication provides procedures on installing the Interactive Status Light with IP Camera (Standard Flag) on any of the following units:

  • NCR Voyix Self-Checkout (7350) R6 Lite
  • NCR Voyix Self-Checkout (7360) R6-C
  • NCR Voyix Self-Checkout (7358) R6L Plus
  • NCR Voyix SelfServ™ 90 (7709) R 1.0/1.1

    The Tri-Light/Lane Light Pole and Mount are not included in this Kit. For more information, refer to 7364-K062 Tri-Light/Lane Light Pole and Mount.

  • NCR Voyix SelfServ™ 90 (7709) R 2.1

    The Tri-Light/Lane Light Pole and Mount are not included in this Kit. For more information, refer to 7364-K062 Tri-Light/Lane Light Pole and Mount.

  • NCR Voyix Self-Checkout (7707) R6-J

Kit Contents

Part NumberDescription
497-0536842 7371-K060 Interactive Status Light, Standard Flag with IP Camera
497-0536137 Tri-Light, Standard Flag (VTC)
*497-0536855 Lane Light Graphics Label - Generic
*497-0512112 Cable - +24V, Monaco and I/O Board
*497-0536889 Cable - USB+Power (24V) to Status Controller Board, Keyed, 3M
*497-0537090 Cable - USB-C Controller Board to 24V PSU and USB-A, Keyed, 3M

* Items marked with an asterisk are not called out on the image.

  • Use Cable - USB+Power (24V) to Status Controller Board, Keyed, 3M (497-0536889) for 7350 R6 Lite, 7360, and 7358 R6L Plus units.
  • Use the following cables for 7372 Kiosk and Tabletop units:
    • Cable - +24V, Monaco and I/O Board (497-0512112)
    • Cable - USB-C Controller Board to 24V PSU and USB-A, Keyed, 3M (497-0537090)
  • In some NCR SelfServ™ 90 (7709) versions, the +24V, Monaco and I/O Board cable (497-0512112) needs to be disconnected and replaced by the ISL USB Type-C to Split 24 V and USB Type-A cable (497-0537827).